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January 2015 - Signal Mirror

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Dimensions 1.75 inches tall

Thickness 3.5 mm

Finish Shiny Silver

Enameling Soft Enamel

Trackable? Yes

Has Icon Yes

This is the regular edition coin of the January Geocoin Club Coin.

Be Prepared!  Carry a fully functional signal mirror that should be part of everyone's emergency pack.  This creative coin is by Christian Mackey. 


  • Step 1 - Hold near face and reflect sun nearby.  Look through star & aim signal. Tilt to aim at target.
  • Step 2 - Look in center mirror for star reflection passing through star hole and falling on face/hand.
  • Step 3 - Improve aim: keep target in view through center hold and tilt to move shaped spot onto star & target.

Practice signaling while waiting for rescue by sweeping signal along the horizon








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