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The Pathtag Sherpa - Blue and Silver

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Dimensions1.75 inches


FinishAntique Silver

EnamelingBLUE Glitter


Has IconYes

The best of both worlds! Now in blue and silver!  An old favorite makes a return to the Geocoin Store with a new look.  Back by popular demand in a silver/blue color scheme, the Sherpa coin is not only beautiful, but functional.

Turn your Pathtag into a world traveler with this unique Geocoin. The coin comes with a new Pathtag in the center which matches the coin's style. Held in with a magnet, the tag pops out (with some effort! Your tags will not go anywhere on accident!) allowing you to replace it with your own tag or a favorite from your collection. Then you can send it out in the world!

The Pathtag system and the new Pathtag Sherpa is a great way for an individual to create a custom personal item and make a set of them trackable at without having to pay for an entire set of trackable personal Geocoins.

Learn more about Pathtags at and see why over 18,000 people are logging and trading them and why over 3000 unique designs have been made by 'Taggers!

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