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March - Caching Motivation
Design notes from the artist: Chris Mackey
"When I discovered geocaching about 6 months after my knee surgery, I was pretty out of shape, definitely overweight, and I noticed a few things right away. The more time I spent caching, the better I felt, the faster I healed and the more weight I lost (about 55 pounds in the first year). When I talk to other cachers, I'm always fascinated to know what drew them into geocaching and why they stuck with it. For some it's the chance to travel, for some it's educational, for others it's all about swag and Geocoins. I can particularly relate to that last one! Over time, my motivation for loving caching has changed, but one continual factor is rewarding myself with foods I love knowing that I've earned every calorie with the exercise I've put into my hunts.
For years, here at the Geocoin Club, we've added PathTags to be included with the monthly Geocoin, but it actually started with the March Geocoin. Each year, we'd build a special coin to include a PathTag in a special way. While I was thinking about that tradition, it occurred to me there are almost as many personal motivations for geocaching as there are PathTags! What if we could all share our caching motivations in a geocoin? What a fun excuse to make a new PathTag if we haven't already made one that shows something we love about caching? Our first PathTag was a simple design with our geo-pup Ruger and it simply said "Will Cache for Snacks!" and not much has changed since then. I still love caching and I still reward myself with snacks for those extra miles. Everybody has their personal motivation so let's see yours!
Is it for the incredible views, world travel, personal goals, trading treasures or something more obscure? Shows us your motivation with a tag and coin combo that tells us a bit of YOUR story!"
Cutting it close to the wire for this one! Thought I was one month ahead, but realized I was actually behind with the CNY coming up. I'll get you the April design here asap, too. I'm thinking some 4x4 jeeping style design since it will be "mudding season" by then and that particular theme is always a draw. I've done some personals on that theme, but I don't think I've ever done a club coin on those lines so it could be fun!