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July 2022 - Bushwhacking

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This item is password protected and available to members of The Geocoin Club only. If you are a member of The Geocoin Club, you will receive the month's password in club newsletter email.

Design By: Chris Mackey 

Dimensions 45 mm Wide

Thickness 3.5 mm

Finish Antique Silver
Enameling Soft

Trackable? Yes

Has Icon Yes

July 2022 - Bushwhacking

Design notes from the artist:  Chris Mackey

It's easy enough to follow a nice, wide-open trail to a cache.  It's a bit harder to traverse that seldom used and slightly overgrown trail.  It's much, much harder to be the first to blaze a trail.  There are times to follow the easy trail, but when you're up for the challenge it's time to go "bushwacking", the fine art of forcing your way through thick undergrowth like a bull through the briars.  Like a bull, you'll have to toughen your hide a bit or donate a bit of blood because there's a price to be paid in being the first.  Whether the first to the cache or the first to make a trail to a new cache, the reward is being the one who started it all.  It's easy to follow, but do you have what it takes to be a leader?

Grab your gators, your bandages, and some trusty footwear because new trails are waiting to be made.  Be prepared to earn your geocaching stripes this year by being the first to donate a little blood for the cause... go Bushwacking! 

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