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October 24 - Coimetromania Caches


This item is password protected and available to members of The Geocoin Club only. If you are a member of The Geocoin Club, you will receive the month's password in club newsletter email.

Design By: Chris Mackey 

Dimensions 45 mm Wide

Thickness 3.5 mm
Finish Antique Bronze

Enameling Soft

October 2024 - Coimetromania Caches

Design notes from the artist:  Chris Mackey

For this October, we have a cool but creepy tribute to cemetery caches.  Early in the very first weeks of my caching life, I was surprised to find that there were so many caches cleverly hidden in and around area cemeteries.  I was equally excited to see that not only were these a thing, but that so many people both enjoyed hunting them and enjoyed taking extra time looking at the gravestones, reading the epitaphs, and just relaxing in well-kept memorials.  I've always enjoyed exploring cemeteries, photographing or capturing rubbings of some of the most unusual stones and monuments, or even just enjoying a stroll or even a picnic.  It wasn't until just a couple years ago that I realized there's actually a word for cachers like myself describing a fascination with these parks... Coimetromania.  

I've enjoyed participating in my community's restoration projects of local cemeteries and was surprised at how many other cachers showed up unexpectedly to lend a hand.  The markers telling the stories of incredible lives keep them fresh in our memories and lend an appreciation for how fast time flies.  It's a reminder to make the most out of your time and get out there to go find a cache, take some pictures, make some memories and gather some incredible stories of your own.  Maybe visit a cemetery and find a cleverly hidden cache.  And if it happens to be on Halloween and you have to wrestle a zombie to sign the cache... well, that'll make a great story, too 

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