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November 2024 - Goddess of the Hunt / Artimis


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Design By: Chris Mackey 

Dimensions 45 mm Wide

Thickness 3.5 mm
Finish Antique Bronze

Enameling Soft

November 2024 - Goddess of the Hunt / Artimis

Design notes from the artist:  Chris Mackey


Over the years, I've had the pleasure to work on a number of coin projects depicting various ancient deities from around the world.  I'm particularly interested in deities that have a direct influence on exploring the world, safe travel, hunting hidden things, and finding lost knowledge.  All of these aspects are shared with the love of geocaching and both the adventure and dangers of seeking hidden things.

I was intrigued by the twin-deities of the Greek pantheon Apollo and Artemis since they share similar traits, but have distinctly different roles in the mortal world.  Apollo, the sun god, sheds light on mystery, encourages higher learning of the fine arts, and is known for being rather taken with pride at his accomplishments.  His older twin-sister, however, in her own quiet way, seems to have a much bigger impact on the world at large with her role in the primal forces of life on earth.

The Goddess of the Hunt, Artemis, is the ancient Greek protector of the woodlands, animals, and all who travel within her forest domain.  She is also a divine patron of health and children in particular, guiding their steps and protecting their lives throughout childhood.  While her brother takes a flashier role, showing off his talents, Artemis spends her time strengthening her ties with the forests, valleys, and streams, encouraging both the land to grow and the guardians of these lands to safely travel and explore them.  She encourages her followers to gain a greater understanding of the natural world and to be good stewards by developing an integral relationship with the land.

She understands the nature of man and beast, fostering the growth of wildlife, but also sharing her skill with humans in harvesting wildlife responsibly.  She encourages protecting the weak and maintaining a balance in the world so all life can grow better together.  She is one of the oldest depictions in the world of a Mother Nature and a wonderful patron for geocachers exploring their world with respect and protecting it for future generations. 

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