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Gold (Autumn) Scheme Mother Nature Watches Us CITO

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Dimensions 2.0 inches on long edge

Thickness 3.5mm

Finish Antique Gold

Enameling Translucent

Trackable? Yes

Has Icon Yes

A spectacular new design by Mr Chris Mackey reminds us all of our bond with Mother Nature. She gives us a place to play our sport, we give back with CITO and other volunteer efforts to give back to the parks and lands that we love to explore.

Incredibly detailed, this coin is based off an ancient door peek hole! We're not sure about this coin, but most of Chris' designs have some little nugget hidden in them. Maybe somewhere in the web of detail this one has some nuggets hidden too...

This is the first edition of this coin and is currently only available in this color scheme. We had samples of four other color schemes made and plan to introduce one or two more versions of this coin between now and CITO season.
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