Dimensions | 2.0 inches high
Get into the newest big craze since the X games with this Geocoin! Ever feel like you're on a galactic adventure while caching? Do you picture yourself poking through the woods of some distance planet, looking for the hidden base plans someone has left you cleverly hidden beneath a pile of sticks or maybe disguised as a pine cone hanging in the tree?
Er... ah... me neither. But just in case you have - this coin's for you! (And we won't tell your friends you ordered it if you don't tell ours we had it made - deal?)
Done super thick to give the great 3D homage on the front the relief it deserves. This coin is obviously an homage and parody of one of (well... my) favorite movies of all time. Our hero will use the power of cache to control the universe - with his dog. The dog is an actual 3D homage to the artist's own dog btw :)
On the reverse, the scrolling text reads:
A little while ago somewhere, not so far away....
A rouge GPS enthusiast has placed
the first GPS STASH alongside an ill
traveled road near Beavercreek, Oregon.
The location of the hidden
rebel stash is sent out via a post
on sci.geo.satellite-nave and within
days the stash is found by enthusiasts
who begin to hide more, sharing the
location of what are soon known
as GEOCACHES on the Internet.
Pursued by many, a new game is born
from a passion for location oriented
fun and a plastic bucket containing
software, videos, a can of beans,
money, a logbook and a slingshot....